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It's a question of who is prepared for the job and who is merely a surrogate for the privileged in this country. America needs to stop being fooled by product packages without examining the contents.

Al Gore may not be charming, but he is certainly smarter with a longer, tested and proven record for responsible leadership. George Bush isn't worthy or ready for the awesome job of President Of The United States -- and THAT should be the bottom line.

Robert Dente
West Hartford, Connecticut


It appears to me that a vote for either candidate is a vote for the Special Interests and no one is really speaking out about the environment. Consider this: Thirty years ago when we were 30% dependent on foreign oil, we lowered speed limits and insisted on vigorous conservation measures, and now that we are 50% dependent on foreign oil, we hear very little from our leaders except that Bush would immediately start drilling for oil in Alaska and build more refineries. After what he has done in Texas to our air quality and water quality, why should we vote for him? A vote for him is a vote for the brown clouds over our cities to become even larger, but I don't hear Gore saying much of anything at all. I voted for Clinton because of Gore and his stand on environmental issues and since that time it appears that he has had to compromise to the extent that his influence has become neutralized. What we need are leaders who value living in a sustainable ecosystem as priority #1 and who will work toward improving the quality of life in all other areas.

Linda Reed
Georgetown, Texas


I cannot believe, after viewing that fantastic documentary, that any level-headed intelligent American could possibly have a dilemma about which "choice" is the right one for our country in this upcoming election.

Obviously both candidates have faced their own shortcomings and challenges along the way, but George W.'s background left me completely untrustworthy of his capacity to act as President of the most powerful and wealthy nation in the world. His ENTIRE life has been built using the tools i.e. the silver spoon that his father's wealth and power have furnished him from day one. Being the President is not about winning a popularity is an extremely serious job that requires a capable man to carry it out with dignity and with success.
George W. Bush does not possess the intellectual tools that it takes to pose as a savvy leader of nations who is able to make critical, EDUCATED decisions about this country's welfare. And I'm not just speaking out of political bias here; my studies at Berkeley have extensively focused on civil rights, indigent defense and the criminal justice system, and George W.'s record in the state of Texas leaves me shuddering at the very thought of a close presidential race in 2000.

I'm probably preaching to the choir here, given the fact that the vast majority of PBS subscribers happen to possess very capable and competent minds, but I pray that the majority of American voters make the SMART choice come November. The alternative could cost this country a great deal in many respects, not the least of which being the education of our children, the state of our environment and the air we breath, and the quality of life for the working class, with whom George W. has had no extensive experience or true sympathy...What happened when his oil business went under? That's right, he went crawling back to daddy's coattails as a big business fat cat board member. Do ALL Americans who have faced small business failures have the luxury of running to their family names to get them out of trouble? I don't think so. This guy needs a reality check, big time.

- Amy Lippert.

Amy Lippert
Berkeley, CA


I stand with Gore on most issues, and I think the majority of Americans will, too. I only regret that he lacks the personal charisma to get his point across. He also comes across as a panderer. Bush, however, seems to have none of the qualifications for the presidency -- he's not particulary bright, sophisticated, hard-working, experienced, and open-minded. Yet he seems to have the charm the "average Joe" quality that the GOP elders found crucial to get out their message. In short, he's a vessel. I'd rather vote for Bob Dole, a true believer, than George W, a puppet if I ever saw one.

Steven Kane


Harry Browne is the only moral and rational choice for President--unless you hold that the "government" is a god-like entity that should control and run everyone's lives. Libertarians believe that the "government" is a group of people given the obligation to protect the rights of individuals against aggression of all kinds such as fraud and physcial violence and murder. Many people absolutely love to insist that Libertarians are Anarchists. The difference is that Libertarians believe in limited government judicial system, police forces, armed forces whereas Anarchists believe in no government at all. I've personally observed that the people who crow the loudest about the poor do not personally help the poor; the people who object the most to Libertarians are those most dedicated to micromanaging and controlling the lives of others. Vote for Harry Browne!

Linda Starr
Chatsworth, California


I'm shocked that the Presidential race is as close as the press reports. It's scary to think George W. actually has a chance in this race. I live in Austin, Texas and to most people here this man is a not so funny joke. Our quality of life, the education system, the environment, the state parks, across the board, we have suffered under his "laisez faire leadership." Please educate yourselves on the candidates records and policies. If you do, you will have no questions about who the right man is for the job. That man is Al Gore. This election is for President of the United States,the most important job in the world, not a personality contest. Please vote accordingly.

Eddie Gary


This election year we the people truly have a choice and a voice....Ralph Nader. Finally, a candidate who is not owned by corporate money, who can stand up for the people and for what is right. Give more coverage to Mr. Nader and other 3rd parties so that people know they need not vote for the lesser of two evils.

Mary Gesbocker
albuquerque, New Mexico


I am afraid if Bush gets elected, our Suprem Court is going to change radically. I don't want to be responceable for investing my own social security. I don't trust the insurance industry to offer any reasonable medication policy.

Sandi Lotterman
Agawam, MA


I was unfortunate enough to have Gore as my congressional representative prior to his being elected to the senate. He has completely reversed his views on abortion, tobacco, school choice in other words lied and other major issued. He is a momma's boy who is completely guided by polls just like his stepfather Bill Clinton. He is completely devoid of a backbone...

gene lasher
old hickory, tn


Many voters are under the assumption that because of the booming economy, they should vote their pocket-book, and continue the Clinton-Gore Era. It sickens me that Clinton has been awarded credit for the nation's success. If it was not for the policies put forth by our last two Presidents, and continued by the Republican controlled Congress our nation would not be in the shape that it is in today. As a college student, I am worried about many of the issues that will concern my generation. Governor Bush's plans for Social Security, Taxes, Education, and Medi-Care are the only ones that truly address my generation's needs. I endorse Governor Bush because he has stuck to his guns rather than quickly switch to whatever opinion the public might hold. Gore has failed to maintain his opinions. I want someone in office that will actually stand for something, not someone that simply spits out pole results. Hopefully we will have that type of man come November.

Kurt Kojzarek
Springfield, Illinois


The Frontline history of Bush and Gore told me that I was right in my belief that they seem only interested in furthering the power hold of their respective parties and maintain power.

I am voting Libertarian - Harry Browne - because I want government limited to those powers it was originally meant to be limited to. I want to see the America we had, where we were all free to live our lives as we wanted.

As Harry Browne says - Bush thinks he knows the best way to run your life - Gore thinks he knows the best way to run your life - Libertarians, Harry Browne thinks YOU KNOW BEST how to run your life and wants to return the power of decision to the voters.

Jeffrey Deaver
Hastings, MN


My vote is for George W. Bush. He is going to be similar to Reagan...I am a conservative and the thought of a liberal again and one as off the wall as Al Gore is not even an option. GW will get things done.

Eileen Young


G Bush is likeable. Al Gore is very accomplished. It's a tough choice. But you gotta go with experience over likeability. That choice is Gore.

Michael Rowady
San Francisco, CA

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