the choice 2000

hometools for choiceare you sure?bushgore

al gore
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photo of al gore
steve armistead

He is an early childhood friend of Al Gore's from Carthage, Tennessee, and worked on the Gore family farm with young Al.
james fleming

He attended Vanderbilt University in the mid-1950s with Nancy Gore, and he and his wife remained close friends with Nancy until her death.
dr. walter harrelson

He is the former director of the divinity school at Vanderbilt University. He provides insight into Gore's decision to attend divinity school and the affect his studies had on his life and career.
ken jost

He is currently a reporter for Congressional Quarterly. He attended Harvard University with Gore and later worked as a reporter with Gore at the Tennessean newspaper.
mike kopp

A former newspaperman, he served as speechwriter and deputy press secretary in Gore's 1988 presidential campaign.
judge gilbert merritt

He served as chief judge to the U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit in Nashville until 1998. He is a family friend of the Gores, and came to know them through Nancy.
dick morris

He is a political consultant and former advisor to President Clinton. He provides insight into the Clinton-Gore relationship and how the two men differ as politicians and leaders.
arlie schardt

He served as press secretary to Gore's 1998 presidential campaign.
john warnecke

A colleague of Gore's during his days as a reporter at the Tennessean, he and his wife were close friends of both Al and Tipper Gore when the couple first moved to Nashville.
where he stands

Social Security, Education, Health Care and more--what's he for and against? Read FRONTLINE'S issues briefs.

Find out what has shaped his life. Read FRONTLINE'S chronology
more interviews & video stories

Watch exclusive video of Laura and Tipper, the candidates and their fathers.
photo gallery

View "The Choice" photo gallery-- explore the lives of the candidates in pictures

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