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Speaking Out
Interview with Barry Scheck

One of the country's most respected experts on DNA evidence talks about the long road to exoneration for the wrongly convicted.

[Note: In previous interviews with FRONTLINE, for its 1996 report on eyewitness identification errors in crimes, "What Jennifer Saw," Scheck and his law partner Peter Neufeld discuss more of the causes of wrongful conviction, what the DNA cases say about mistakes in the criminal justice system, and the dated and unfair manner of compensating the wrongly convicted after innocence is proven.

Interview with Bennett Gershman

A former prosecutor talks about the forces that make it difficult to acknowledge and remedy mistakes in the criminal justice system.
Interview With Jim Liebman

A constitutional law professor at Columbia University discusses the procedural obstacles to fairness which occur in more cases than the criminal justice system can bear to acknowledge.

In June of 2000, Liebman released a landmark statistical study of capital cases over a twenty-three year period (1973-1995) which revealed "a death penalty system collapsing under the weight of its own mistakes."

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