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with us or against us: map

The U.S. State Department began assembling a global coalition of nations to fight terrorism on Sept. 12, 2001. Nations throughout the world have provided not only military assistance, but also assistance on the political, diplomatic, economic, law enforcement and intelligence fronts. This map shows some of the countries that are contributing to the coalition and some of the ways in which they have helped. Click on a country's name to read more details on its contributions.

"Over the past six months, Mr. Chairman, the coalition has grown steadily from 50 nations to, as the secretary said, 70 nations today. Thirty-seven of our coalition partners are currently engaged in and around Afghanistan in support of our operations, and 24 nations have forces located inside Afghanistan as we speak. "
--testimony of General Tommy Franks, Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command before the Senate Armed Services Committee, July 31, 2002

Click on the countries' names below to learn more.

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photo © reuters newmedia inc/corbis
web site copyright WGBH educational foundation


 As of June 2002, Canada had contributed 3,400 personnel in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Canadian forces in the coalition include naval, aircraft, special operations forces, and a light infantry battle group for combat operations in Kandahar. Its naval forces have been conducting maritime surveillance and interception operations between the North Arabian Gulf and the North Arabian Sea.