20 years of frontline
Campaign Against Terror
One year later, the behind-the-scenes story of how the U.S. and world responded to the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks
on the ground
reporter's notebook

War stories from U.S. Special Forces soldiers, plus a map of key battles.

assessing the campaign

Was the military operation in Afghanistan a "new way of war?" Experts analyze the first phase of America's anti-terror campaign.

with us or against us?

The contributions of the more than 50-nation coalition, and the challenges of creating a new Afghanistan.

fighting on two fronts: a chronology

A timeline of the key military events and diplomatic maneuvers which led to the Taliban's collapse and a new Afghan government.

epiloguejoin the discussioninterviewslinks & readings
producer's chattapes & transcriptscreditspress reactionprivacy policy
PBS LogoFunding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers.Additional funding for this report is provided by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.MacArthurcpb
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on the ground + assessing the campaign + with us or against us? + fighting on two fronts: a chronology
epilogue + discussion + interviews + links & readings + introduction + video + reporter's notebook
producer's chat + tapes & transcripts + press reaction + credits + privacy policy
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web site copyright WGBH educational foundation

Campaign Against Terror

In this two-hour special, FRONTLINE recounts for the first time on television the behind-the-scenes story of the U.S. and world response to the September 11 terrorist attacks on America. Featuring interviews with key U.S. players and world leaders, "Campaign Against Terror" examines the complex diplomatic maneuvering that led to an international coalition against Al Qaeda and the Taliban. From the initial bombing raids to the futile hunt for Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda leaders in the caves of Tora Bora, the documentary traces the dramatic ups and downs of the ground war in Afghanistan as seen through the eyes of Pentagon leaders, U.S. Special Forces troops and Afghan rebel leaders in the Northern Alliance. Finally, " Campaign Against Terror " tracks the intricate political wrangling that led to the selection of Hamid Karzai - America's preferred candidate - as the new Afghan leader.

published sept. 8, 2002