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Home videos of Blair's War are not available.

Educational videotapes of Blair's War are available for purchase by schools, libraries, and other educational institutions through Shop PBS for Teachers, or through PBS Video at:

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Phone: (877) PBS-SHOP
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You can download and print out a transcript of Blair's War from this page of the site. (NOTE: This transcript is posted about a week following the program's broadcast after final proofing and copyediting.) This is the only place where you can access a transcript of this report. It is not available anywhere else.



home : introduction : the prime minister : the fractured alliance : the liberal divide
the failure of diplomacy : interviews : readings & links : discussion : producer's chat
tapes & transcripts : press reaction : credits : privacy policy
FRONTLINE : wgbh : pbsi

posted april 3, 2003

top photograph copyright © najlah feanny/corbis
web site copyright WGBH educational foundation