Blair's War
Tony Blair tried - and failed - to bridge the gap between the U.S. and Europe over Iraq. Now, having risked everything, his political fate will be decided by the battle for Baghdad.

the prime minister

video excerpt: watch an excerpt from blair's war

A conversation with his biographer, assessments of his character and politics, and a look at his relationship with George W. Bush.

the fractured alliance

Robert Kagan and Will Hutton debate the myths and realities of the U.S.-Europe divide. Plus, comment and analysis on the costs of U.S. unilateralism.

the liberal divide

Paul Berman, Timothy Garton Ash, and David Rieff discuss Blair, the liberal case for war, and the divided left.

the failure of diplomacy

An overview of the key diplomatic moments and missteps leading to war with Iraq.

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PBS LogoFunding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers.Additional funding for "Blair's War" is provided by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.MacArthur Foundation
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introduction : the prime minister : the fractured alliance : the liberal divide
the failure of diplomacy : interviews : readings & links : discussion : producer's chat
tapes & transcripts : press reaction : credits : privacy policy
FRONTLINE : wgbh : pbsi

published april 3, 2003

photograph copyright © najlah feanny/corbis
web site copyright WGBH educational foundation