hunting bin laden
testimony from bin laden's associates

The trial testimony of former bin Laden aides and government sources paints a picture of the development of an international terrorism organization, which originated in the jihad (holy war) effort against the Soviets in Afghanistan. According to the testimony, bin Laden appears to control a sophisticated international network of operatives and has developed links to other terrorism organizations around the world.
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Bin Laden in Afghanistan

Extended transcripts from the trial testimony, as well as other key documents, are available at Law Center.
Former bin Laden Associate Jamal Ahmed Al-Fadl describes his first meeting with Osama bin Laden during Afghanistan Jihad.

Al-Fadl Testimony Day One

p. 176 - 177, 166

Q. Can you tell us what happened, the circumstance under which you met Abu Hajer al Iraqi and Usama Bin Laden at this guesthouse?

A. I met them during the prayer, after prayer and usually they talk with new people and they tell them about jihad and what's going on with that...

Q. If you can identify what you recall that Usama Bin Laden told you about jihad after the prayer during that meeting.

A. He talk about the Soviet Union army come to Afghanistan and kill people and we have to help them, we have to make jihad out of them and you have to be patient, you have to follow the rule of the emir....

Q. You mentioned that the money was for jihad. Can you explain to the jury what jihad is?

A. Jihad, it's war for Muslim. It means fighting the enemy.

Q. And at the time that you were raising this money for jihad, who was the enemy that was being fought?

A. At that time it's Soviet Union.

The full testimony is available in PDF format from

Smuggling Weapons

Former bin Laden Associate Jamal Ahmed Al-Fadl describes efforts by Al Qaeda to smuggle weapons into Egypt for delivery to Jihad group.

Al-Fadl Testimony Day One

p. 320-322

Q. During the time you were in Khartoum working with al Qaeda, did you ever smuggle anything to Egypt?

A. Yes.

Q. What did you do?

A. We buy camels to send them to Egypt because we use camels to smuggle Kalashnikov to Egypt.

Q. And did you do that on one occasion or more than one occasion that you used camels to smuggle weapons into Egypt?

A. I remember twice.

Q. And how did you get the camels from Khartoum to Egypt?

A. We buy from market for camels over there in Umduhrman City.

Q. Where is Umduhrman City?

A. It's near the Nile River.

Q. How far is it from Khartoum?

A. It's only a village between them.

Q. And approximately how many camels did you take with each trip?

A. I don't remember the number exactly, but around 50 each trip.

Q. Do you recall how many weapons were brought on these trips by camels from Sudan to Egypt?

A. I don't remember how many exactly.

Q. And who did you understand the weapons were going to in Egypt?

A. The weapons I remember go to jihad group.

The full testimony is available in PDF format from

Attempts to Buy Uranium

Former bin Laden Associate Jamal Ahmed Al-Fadl describes efforts by Al Qaeda to purchase uranium.

Al-Fadl Testimony, Day 2

p. 357-358

Q During the time you were involved with al Qaeda, did there come a time when you became involved in an attempt to purchase uranium?

A Yes.

Q Can you tell us when that was?

A That's area of '94 or end of '93.

Q Can you tell us how you came to be involved in the purchase of uranium?

A I remember Abu Fadhl al Makkee, he call me and he told me we hear somebody in Khartoum, he got uranium, and we need you to go and study that, is that true or not.

Q The person who told you was Abu Fadhl al Makkee?

A Yes.

Q What did you do after he told you this?

A He told me go to Abu Abdullah al Yemeni and he talk more about that with you. Also go by Abu Dijana.

Q Abu Abdullah al Yemeni and Abu Dijana, are they the same or different person?

A Same person.

Q Did you go see Abdullah al Yemeni?

A Yes.

Q What happened when you saw him?

A He told me somebody's name, Moqadem Salah Abdel al Mobruk. He is a minister during Numeiri time.

Q Is he a former president of the Sudan?

A Yes, '69 to '83.

Q You said he is Moqadem. Is that a title?

A He is army, one eagle and one star.

Q Tell us what happened next.

A Abu Dijana, he say we know this guy, we hear he got uranium and we need you to go and make sure that's right, maybe we need to buy that.

Q Did you go to see this officer named Mobruk?

A I went to one of my cousins, his name Faisal, and I ask him if he know Moqadam Salah Abdel al Mobruk.

Q What happened then?

A He told me, I know him but I don't have relationship with him, but I tell you I know somebody, he know him better than me. And he told me go to al Fadl al Shahideen. I went to avenue Shahideen because I know him and I worked with him before, and I told him we want to see Salah Abdel al Mobruk. And he ask me what you want from him. I tell him we hear he got uranium and we want to know, if that true we want president to buy it.

Q Did you actually then go see Mr. Mobruk?

A Yes. He tell me give me few days and I call you back. After week or so he call me and he say I need to meet with you. And I sit down with him and he say I going to make appointment with you and Salah Abdel al Mobruk and you can talk to him face to face.

Q Did you have, did you actually have a meeting with Salah Abdel al Mobruk?

A Yes.

Q Tell us what happened at the meeting.

A I went, and this is first time I meet him, and he told me this guy, his name Basheer, he going to help you, and go with him and discuss everything with him.

Q Had you ever met this person named Basheer before?

A No.

Q Did you go with Basheer?

A Yes.

Q Tell the jury what you did.

A We went to another office in Jambouria Street in Khartoum City.

Q What happened when you went to that street in Khartoum?

A Basheer, he told me, are you serious? You want uranium? I tell him yes. I know people, they very serious, and they want to buy it. And he told me did the money ready, and I say what they need. They need the information about uranium, they want to know which quality, which the country make it, and after that we going to talk with you about the price. He say I going to give you this information in a paper, and we need $1,500,000, and everything go well we need it outside. We need the money outside of Sudan.

Q And the price was how much?

A He say he need $1,500,000. And he say this is for the uranium. But he need commission for himself, and he need commission for Salah Abdel al Mobruk.

The full testimony is available in PDF format from

Transporting Stinger Missiles

Testimony of Pilot and former bin Laden Associate Essam Al-Ridi Describing efforts by Al Qaeda to purchase an airplane in order to fly Stinger missiles from Peshawar to Khartoum

Al-Ridi testimony

p. 562 - 564

Q. Can you tell us what Wadih El Hage told you when he first contacted you?

A. The interests of Usama Bin Laden in aquiring an airplane for Khartoum.

Q. And did you, did he tell you where Usama Bin Laden was living at the time?

A. Yes.

Q. Where was he living?

A. In Khartoum, Sudan.

Q. And what did he tell you about the airplane that he wished you to purchase for Usama Bin Laden?

A. The price range within 350,000 US, and that is a range of about a little bit over two thousand miles.

Q. And did you have any further discussions with him about the financial arrangements for purchasing this airplane?

A. Yes.

Q. What was that discussion?

A. Once I located an airplane with that price and that range, I've called Wadih and specifically told him, it's 350,000 and I'll be offered 9 percent from the dealer, the owner of the airplane. [Discussions about price etc.] ...

Q. Was there any discussion of the reason why the range for the plane had to be two thousand miles?

A. Yes.

Q. Can you tell us what was said


A. They have some goods of their own they want to ship from Peshawar to Khartoum.

Q. And first of all, who is "they"?

A. Again, I'm referring to Wadih and Usama.

Q. And did he tell you what the goods were that he wanted to ship from Peshawar to Khartoum?

A. Yes.

Q. What were they?

A. Stinger missiles.

Q. And when he told you they wanted to ship Stinger missiles from Peshawar to Khartoum, what did you say?

A. I said it's possible as long as we have arrangements from the departing country to the arriving country.

Q. And what do you mean by that?

A. I meant the legality, because it's clearly air policy.

Q. Did you discuss this with Wadih?

A. Yes.

Q. Tell us what you told him about the legality of shipping the Stingers from Peshawar to Khartoum?

A. That we have to have a legal permit to depart Peshawar with that equipment on board, and the legal permit to land in Khartoum, which is not a problem because they could ally people in Peshawar and also in Khartoum. However, the problem with allies, once we have to divert or land for any fuel or any emergency in the countries in between, then it will be definitely exposed and then it will be absolutely a chaos.

Q. And what, if anything, did he say in response?

A. Nothing in particular. I was just explaining to them technicalities.

The full testimony is available in PDF format from

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