hunting bin laden
Notes on the Interrogation of One Suspect

Mohammed Saddiq Odeh was arrested trying to enter Pakistan with a fake Yemeni passport on the day of the East African Embassy bombings. He was interrogated by Pakistani officials and eventually admitted being part of the embassy bombing conspiracy. FRONTLINE acquired this original document in its research - it is a translation of the Pakistani authorities' notes on Odeh's interrogation. This information was used by FBI agents to develop their early theories on the bombing plot.
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Note: These notes are published here exactly as in the original document given to FRONTLINE. No changes have been made to grammar or punctuation. Also, Mohammed Sadiq Howaida is an alias which was used by Mohammed Sadiq Odeh.
Following details have been revealed by MOHAMMAD SADIQ HOWAIDA a suspect of Daresalam and Nairobi blasts at US Embassies:

He is Palestinian by origin, born in Saudi Arabia at Tabuk on 1 March 1965, and later educated in Jordan, where he was affiliated with PLO. Acquired a diploma in architecture from Philippines in 1990.

He came to Pakistan in 1990 and immediately went to Afghanistan to participate in Jehad, where he took part in Khost operations. Stayed there for 2 years and 5 months, and acquired expertise in explosives. In Afghanistan he came in contact with Osama Bin Laden's group, and a Somali, Sheikh Hassan.

In 1992 on the direction of Saiful Adil of Bin Laden group, he along with some Arabs went to Somalia and joined Sheikh Hassan. There he participated in a number of acts of terrorism including the killing of some Belgian Nationals.

In 1994 he went to Kenya, on the invitation of Mustapha, an ex-Afghan Jehadist. He married a Kenyan woman of Arab origin, and settled down in a small town called Witu, where he started trading in furniture.

At Witu he joined an Arab terrorist group led by an Egyptian, Ali Saleh, who was working for Osama Bin Ladin. Between 94 and 97 he visited Somalia a number of times. In Kenya Bin Laden's coordinator/local leader was Salah Abdullah.

In July 1998 Ali Saleh prepared a plan to bomb American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania with following members of the gang:

At Nairobi-------------------------------

Ali Saleh

Egyptian Leader

Abdur Rehman



Kenyan of Yemeni origin


Of Commoro Islands

Sheikh Bahamand

Kenyan of Yemeni origin

2-3 Locals

At Dar Es Salaam-------------------------------


Egyptian Leader

Ahmad Khalfan

Tanzanian of Omani origin

Abdullah Ahmed


Mohammad Sadiq Howaida

2-3 Locals

The gang acquired explosives from Luanda. Howaida claims that he was given the task of preparing the explosives. He stated that actual operation was conducted by local Kenyans/Tanzanians. He designed a 250 Kg TNT device with a mechanical detonators and 10 m RDX Cord. This was to be used at Darasalam.

Ali Saleh instructed all members of his group except Haroon and locals to leave Kenya/Tanzania, and go to Afghanistan before 6 August.

He further revealed that Osama Bin Laden's group now named "Al Qaida" was operating with "Al Jehad" of Egypt.

Read a New York Times profile of Odeh.

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