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steve mullins' homosexual behavior?

At the trial of Charles Butler, Steve Mullins was questioned about his views on gays, and the nature of his relationships with gays: Butler adamantly denied any participation in homosexual sex. Butler's defense attorneys then produced a witness, Jimmy Dean, a gay man who testified about his homosexual activity with Mullins. Dean's testimony was corroborated by two lesbian women who also testified about Mullins' activities with Dean.

Circuit Court of Coosa County, Alabama
State of Alabama v. Charles Monroe Butler, Jr.
Case No.: CC-99-36
August 5, 1999

Q: Would it be fair to assume . . .that you don't like queers?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: And why do you not like queers?

A: I just don't.

Q: You don't have any friends who are queers?

A: Yeah, I sure do.

Q: But you don't like them?

A: No. Not when they proposition me, I don't. . . .

Q: Is it your testimony today under oath that the only reason you killed Billy Jack Gaither was because he was gay?

A: That, and money. . . .

Q: And you're telling the ladies and gentlemen of the jury that you hate gays and queers?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: Isn't it a fact, Mr. Mullins, that you had oral sex with another man?

A: No, sir.

Q: You sure of that?

A: Yes, sir. . . .

Q: Isn't it a fact that you and your boyfriend and two lesbian ladies went to Anniston in September of last year to a gay party?

A: He wasn't my boyfriend.

Q: And that y'all had sex that night?

A: No, sir.

Q: But you went with him, didn't you?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: And you danced with him, didn't you?

A: No, sir. . . .


Circuit Court of Coosa County, Alabama
State of Alabama v. Charles Monroe Butler, Jr.
Case No.: CC-99-36
August 5, 1999

Q: Would you tell us your name, please, sir?

A: Jimmy Lynn Dean. . . .

Q: Now, I'm going to ask you, do you ever recall an evening in either September or October of last year that you went to a party with Steven Eric Mullins, K.B., and S. H.?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: Could you tell us about that evening, please, sir?

A: Well, we all showed up there, and he wouldn't get out [of the car]. He kind of showed his, you know, tail in the car. . .

Q: When you say he--who were you talking about?

A: Steve Mullins.

Q: Okay. How long had you known Steve?

A: About four months.

Q: And what exactly did he do?

A: He raised his voice and got ill in the car. He sat there for a while. And when he finally got out and come in, we partied and had a good time then.

Q: And what, if anything, did you and he do at the party?

A: We danced and everything and just talked and hung out.

Q: Did you ever touch him?

A: Yeah.

Q: Did he touch you?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: Did you ever kiss him?

A: No, sir.

Q: Okay. Let me ask you this--and I know this is a difficult question--had youever had oral sex with Steven Eric Mullins?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: That's all. . .

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