navigation With Policymakers, Military officials and Somalis
mrs. abshir

She is a Somali woman of the Majeeteen, a sub-clan of the Daroob, a tribe from the middle of Somalia. She fled Somalia in 1990 due to the increasing violence. She currently is president of the Somali Community Information Center in Britain.
Col. Kenneth Allard

[New interview, Oct. 2001] Under the auspices of the Pentagon, Dr. Kenneth Allard, Colonel, US Army (Ret.) reviewed US military documents, including classified materials, and wrote Somalia Operations: Lessons Learned. (National Defense Univ Press, 1995). This after-action review of the mission has been used to inform future US military operations. Allard served as Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff (1987-90). He also served as Technical Advisor for FRONTLINE's "Ambush in Mogadishu." Dr. Allard currently is a Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic & International Studies, an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University, and a military analyst for MSNBC.
Walter Clarke

Deputy Chief of Mission for the US Embassy, March - July 1993. He compiled the book Learning From Somalia: The Lessons of Armed Humanitarian Intervention. He is currently Adjunct Professor of Peace Operations at the US Army's Peacekeeping Institute.
Khalil Dale

He worked for the Red Cross from 1991-1993 in Somalia and set up a Red Cross program in Bardera, Somalia after it had been taken over by Aidid. At the time, there were about 350 people dying daily out of a population of 17,000. He worked in field hospitals and distributed food aid. He now works in a hospital in London and, intermittently, for the Red Cross.
captain haad

He was one of the sector commanders for General Aidid's militia in Mogadishu on October 3, 1993, with 30 militiamen under his authority. He received military training in Libya and has had 10 years of fighting experience.
Adm Jonathan Howe

Admiral Howe, a retired four-star Navy Admiral, was the Special Representative to the UN Secretary General (Boutrous-Ghali) for Somalia. Howe was also the former Deputy National Security Advisor in the Bush Adminstration. He currently is President of the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations.
senator richard lugar

US Senator (R) from Indiana for 18 years, he is the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a widely acknowledged expert in the area of foreign policy. He supported US intervention in Somalia and criticized the Clinton administration for not using military force in Bosnia.
General Thomas Montgomery

Commander of the US Forces and Deputy UN Force Commander, Somalia (March 1993-Mar 1994) Now retired from the military, he wrote a comprehensive After-Action Report with the collaboration of other participants in the Somalia Operation. The report has yet to be declassified.
ambassador robert oakley

Chosen by President Bush as Special Presidential Envoy in November 1992, he was involved in the first phase of US military intervention--offering security for famine relief operations. In the first weeks of UN intervention (Operation Restore Hope) Oakley declared a public truce with Ali Mahdi and Aidid. Oakley returned to Somalia in October 1993 to negotiate a truce with Aidid and secure the release of captured US Ranger Michael Durant.
General Anthony Zinni

Zinni was Director of Operations for UNITAF, November 1992-May 1993. He was also Assistant to the US Special Envoy, Somalia (Ambassador Oakley) in October 1993 in the negotiations with Aidid for a truce and the release of captured US Ranger Michael Durant. He is now Commander in Chief, Central Command.

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