Can You Afford to Retire?
photo of a hand writingphoto of a united jet

Join the Discussion: What are  your views on America's retirement system, given the vanishing lifetime pensions and  inadequate 401(k) savings?  If you're an aging baby boomer, can you afford to retire?  Share your story.


I was unaware private companies could simply reduce or eliminate their retirement plan obligations by filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This is a loop hole that needs to be closed in the bankruptcy laws. Companies need to fund their traditional retirement plans in full and be "untouchable" so the employee's retirement funds are protected.

I agree that the average employee is not informed enough to make wise financial choices over the life of their 401-k plans. I have spent countless hours reading financial investment books and listening to audio tapes on how to diversify investments to weather the financial storms of the market. Even after these countless hours of self directed education, I continue to question whether or not I am qualified to direct my retirement investments. I can only hope that through diversification, asset allocation, and portfolio re-balancing that the choices I make over the coming 20 years will be the right ones.

David Miller
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


My story is not unique but does serve to illustrate the current picture of today's worker. My career in training and development was quite good until I got laid off from AT&T. My debt had been car and home but then to live, I started using my credit cards. I was out of work for a year, then a series of jobs. I just completed a six-month consulting project at a Big Ten University. Now, the job hunt is feeling futile. At my age with not every hair coal black, and deep experience, it seems as if I may not land another "big time" job. So, I'm looking at running a seminar business or perhaps going into public school teaching.

Financially: handfull of dollars, no savings, looking at bankruptcy. I'm over 60, but very fit and youth oriented. I'm also a four-year United States Navy veteran. Not that being a vet opens any doors, but I did my bit for America.

That's my story. I'm optimistic and ready to get crankin'

My knowledge, skill and experience is my inventory. That's what I'm marketing. The more people with whom I speak, I realize we're all in a very large boat. Play by the rules, do good things, and then...pow!

Randall Krug
Ann Arbor, Michigan

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posted may 16, 2006

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