Can You Afford to Retire?

press reaction

John Hall The Columbus Dispatch

"Hedrick Smith … [who] has carved out a unique place for himself in documentary television, paints a chilling picture of the future of the American private pension system. …

"Smith tells the story of the United Airlines bankruptcy through the usual process of interviewing employees whose pension checks were slashed. But he also is quick enough to understand and translate bankruptcy lawyers and their dry language of pre-cooked "first day orders" that doomed the pensioners from the beginning. …"


Richard Wilner New York Post

"['Frontline'] examines the plight of several workers who, for many reasons, have been forced to re-enter the job market after retiring or who have been forced to alter lifestyles and planned retirement dates due to the loss of their pensions. …

"The picture isn't pretty, despite massive, if ill-conceived, attempts by Congress to coax workers into saving for retirement. Now, 'Frontline' will try to scare folks into saving. …"


Nancy deWolf Smith The Wall Street Journal

"… Not many tips here for retirement planning. What's the point if, as the program asserts, most Americans are simply too clueless to manage their own retirement fund?"


Robert P. Laurence The San Diego Union-Tribune

"… sobering and enlightening. …

"Smith offers little in the way of help or advice, except to say that workers need to save far more than they do -- more than many will find practical in an age when millions are living paycheck-to-paycheck. …"


Tom Dorsey The Courier-Journal (KY)

"You've heard it before, but having the bitter facts laid out before you will be a sobering experience. …

"'Frontline' sounds the alarm but doesn't examine why Congress isn't doing more to protect workers. Nor does it explore why government can't really urge people to save more because spending is all that's propping up the economy. Outlining the crisis isn't enough. The program should have investigated remedies."

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posted may 16, 2006

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