poisoned waters

What are your thoughts on this report? Do you think America will act in time to save its waterways? What will it take?

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The algae growth in our waters should be harnessed to grow algae for bio fuel and clean up the comtaininated water. As for storm water we should install drywells to capture stormwater from roofs to reduce the flow of water across the land and cut the polution from runoff. swales and berms should be required to cut runoff from patios and driveways.

melvin singer
Short Hills, New Jersey


As an Eastern Shore resident I've noticed all the closed-shed chicken farms and I'm glad Frontline took on Big Chicken and it's pollution of the Bay.

Not addressed was why so many so many chickens are being raised. Obviously it's because people like them fried, baked, and in their Crispy Chicken Sandwiches (I know I do). What would the impact on the Bay be if we chose to eat chicken less frequently? Or went vegetarian?

Elizabeth Bastos
Easton, MD

posted april 21, 2009

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