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photo of the white house photo of protestors photo of newspapers
Parts I and II: Secrets, Sources & Spin

News War: A special four-part investigation into the future of the news

Part III: What's Happening to the News
Part IV: Stories from a small planet

50+ Interviews
What major players in the debates are saying about the role of media in U.S. society - and what's ahead

Join the Discussion

producer discussions Raney Aronson-Rath - February 14, 2007 Stephen Talbot - February 28, 2007 Greg Barker - March 28, 2007

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DVD/VHS & Transcript   Credits   Privacy Policy
Journalistic Guidelines

News War is a FRONTLINE co-production in association with the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.

goldman foundation

Major funding for "News War" is provided by The Richard and Rhoda Goldman Foundation. Additional funding is provided by The Nathan Cummings Foundation. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided by the Park Foundation and through the support of PBS viewers.



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posted feb. 13, 2007


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