Money and March Madness

Press Reaction

Rick Maese, The Washington Post

"… a report that pokes gorilla-size holes in the antiquated idea of amateurism, comparing today’s college basketball players to indentured servants.

The details and arguments are not new. Generations of college athletes have generated revenue for their schools, for the NCAA and for television networks, while pocketing only a chance at a four-year education. The 'Frontline' segment hinges on its voices, and that’s where the report is both lacking and illuminating."

Brian Lowry, Fox Sports

"… a sobering look at how the National Collegiate Athletic Association exploits athletes, whose toil and sweat support a multi-billion-dollar enterprise … For those who enjoy college sports but believe the NCAA is a terribly flawed institution …. the 'Frontline' segment, reported by Lowell Bergman, will make you feel smug, if a little depressed."


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