In association with The Oregonian
An investigation into how and why meth use spiraled out of control and became the fastest-growing drug abuse problem in America |
How Meth Destroys the BodyMethamphetamine wreaks havoc on the body and the brain. Here’s how. Map: Meth at the State LevelHas federal law gone far enough to stop meth? And what actions some states are taking. The Many "Faces of Meth"The campaign sent chills around the world, and helped Oregon kick the meth habit. Frequently Asked QuestionsKey things to know about meth and why it's the "unnecessary epidemic."
Live chat with The Meth Epidemic Reporters
Mexican Meth U.S. Strategy Producer's Chat (Archived) Readings & Links Interviews the latest Speed. Meth. Glass. On the street, methamphetamine has many names. What started as a fad among West Coast motorcycle gangs in the 1970s has spread across the United States, and despite lawmakers' calls for action, the drug is now more potent, and more destructive, than at any time in the past decade. In The Meth Epidemic, FRONTLINE, in association with The Oregonian, investigates the meth rampage in America: the appalling impact on individuals, families and communities, and the difficulty of controlling an essential ingredient in meth—ephedrine and pseudoephedrine—sold legally in over-the-counter cold remedies. | |
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