inside the meltdown

Join the Discussion

What are your reactions to this report? How terrifying is this crisis for you? Do we all in a way bear some responsibility for the economic mess?


While I have seen in the show the reactions by the politicians to the crisis - what I have not yet seen is a real analysis as to real root causes of this series of failures and actions being put in place to prevent this in the future. How did we get to a place where companies were making up deals to push houses and giving out mortgages to families on houses they couldn't afford versus saying no and encouraging the to look at houses they could afford? Who is responsible for taking this action? Is it Congress, the Secretary of Treasury, or the FED or someone else? Fixes would restore confidence quicker than money.

Memphis, TN


Remarkable documentary and all issues discussed are still alive and most of them remain unresolved.

Irvine, CA

posted february 17, 2009

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