the madoff affair

Michael Bienes


Starting in the late '60s, Bienes and his partner Frank Avellino recruited investors for Madoff's investment firm. By the time the SEC shut them down in '92 for being unlicensed, they had more than 3200 clients with $441 million invested with Madoff. After the SEC action, Bienes continued investing personally with Madoff.

Frank Casey

He worked with financial analyst Harry Markopolos at Rampart Investment Management from 1998 to 2001. It was Casey who first brought Bernie Madoff to the attention of Markopolos, who worked for a decade to expose the fraud.

Sherry Cohen

For eleven years she worked at Fairfield Greenwich Group, a major feeder fund for Madoff. She left in 1998.

Diana Henriques

A business and financial reporter for The New York Times, Henriques has covered the SEC for 40 years.

Nader Ibrahim

Ibrahim worked in technical support for Bernard Madoff Investment Securities from 2000 to 2003. His department was in charge of maintaining the computers on the company's three floors.

Harvey Pitt

He was chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission from 2001 to 2003.