law & disorder

Case Five Henry Glover

A stranger tried to get police to help Glover, who had been shot by an unknown assailant. His charred remains were later delivered to the morgue in five plastic bags.



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July 21, 2011NOPD's No. 2 Cop, Marlon Defillo, Retires From Force
By Brendan McCarthy, The Times-Picayune
Marlon Defillo, the New Orleans Police Department's second-highest-ranking officer, retired from the force Thursday amid scrutiny of his failure to investigate allegations that police killed a man and burned the body shortly after Hurricane Katrina, his attorney said. (Read more »)
July 8, 2011NOPD's No. 2 Cop, Marlon Defillo, Is Found To Have Neglected Duty
By Gordon Russell, The Times-Picayune
Marlon Defillo, the New Orleans Police Department's No. 2 cop, has been found to have neglected his duty in investigating the suspicious death of Henry Glover, who was fatally shot and later burned by police in the days after Hurricane Katrina, officials announced Friday. (Read more »)
May 4, 2011Judge Grants Former NOPD Officer Travis McCabe New Trial in Henry Glover Case
By The Times-Picayune
A federal judge has ordered a new trial for a former New Orleans police officer convicted of writing a false report on the deadly police shooting of Henry Glover after Hurricane Katrina. (Read more »)
March 31, 2011Two Former NOPD Officers Receive Stiff Sentences in Henry Glover case
By Laura Maggi and Brendan McCarthy, Times-Picayune
Former police officer David Warren was sentenced to more than 25 years in prison this morning for the shooting of 31-year-old Henry Glover in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Former officer Greg McRae, who admitted burning a car parked on the Algiers levee that contained Glover's body, was sentenced to more than 17 years in prison. (Read more »)
February 8, 2011Convicted Officer in Henry Glover Trial Says New Evidence Has Been Found
By Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
Lawyers for New Orleans police Lt. Travis McCabe are asking a federal judge to overturn his recent conviction in the Henry Glover case for creating a false police report and lying to federal authorities about it, saying they've uncovered new evidence that should merit a new trial for their client. (Read more »)
December 29, 2010Post-Katrina Shootings by Police: Where Things Stand
By Sabrina Shankman, ProPublica
Last month, a parade of New Orleans police officers took the stand in the trial of five current or former police officers charged with killing Henry Glover, burning his body, and covering up the crime. (Read more »)
December 22, 20104 Henry Glover Jurors Talk About the Case, Their Verdicts
By Brendan McCarthy, Times-Picayune
In the jury room moments before the Henry Glover trial verdict was handed up, 12 strangers stood in a circle and held hands. For almost a month, they had listened to testimony and pored over evidence in the landmark trial. For three days they sat in a windowless room, polling each other and debating the finer points of justice. Finally, with their verdict ready and the fate of five defendants in the balance, the jurors bowed their heads and said a prayer. (Read more »)
December 16, 20106 Veteran Police Officers Reassigned in Wake of Henry Glover Verdict
By Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
New Orleans Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas on Thursday reassigned six veteran officers, including several high-ranking commanders, for possible violations of departmental rules revealed in the recently concluded Henry Glover federal court case. Each of the officers was placed on desk duty while the NOPD conducts an internal investigation. (Read more »)
December 10, 2010In Wake of Glover Verdicts, What’s Next for New Orleans' Troubled Police Force?
By A.C. Thompson, ProPublica
One of the most striking moments in the federal civil rights prosecutions arising from the death of Henry Glover came when Lt. Dwayne Scheuermann, a police officer lauded in New Orleans for his heroic work after Hurricane Katrina, took the stand. (Read more »)
December 9, 2010Jury Convicts Three, Acquits Two in Post-Katrina Police Shooting
By A.C. Thompson, ProPublica
A federal jury tonight convicted three current or former New Orleans police officers in connection with the death of Henry Glover, a 31-year old man who was shot by a police officer and died in custody shortly after Hurricane Katrina tore through Louisiana in 2005. (Read more »)
December 6, 2010Attorneys Urge Jurors to Consider Motivation of NOPD Defendants in Henry Glover Case
By Laura Maggi and Brendan McCarthy, Times-Picayune
Arguments in the Henry Glover civil-rights trial drew to a close Monday evening, leaving the case in the hands of a jury that today will begin weighing the fate of five current or former New Orleans police officers. Jurors must come up with verdicts on charges ranging from murder to obstruction of justice in the high-stakes federal case, the first of several nationally publicized investigations into alleged Hurricane Katrina-era misconduct at NOPD to go to trial.(Read more »)
December 3, 2010FBI Agent Says Officers' Statements on Henry Glover Case Were Untrue, Not Misunderstood
By Laura Maggi and Brendan McCarthy, Times-Picayune
Testimony wrapped up Friday in the federal case that accuses a former New Orleans police officer of shooting a 31-year-old man in the days after Hurricane Katrina and charges four other officers of helping to cover up the crime by burning his body and writing a false report about the incident.(Read more »)
December 2, 2010New Orleans Police Lieutenant Says He Was Told That The Bullet That Killed Henry Glover Didn't Hit Anyone
By Brendan McCarthy, Times-Picayune
A New Orleans police lieutenant took the witness stand Thursday in federal court and denied doctoring a report and lying to federal agents probing the role he and colleagues allegedly played in the cover-up of Henry Glover's death. (Read more »)
December 1, 2010Retired NOPD Lieutenant Says He Didn't Link Gunfire to Burnt Body
By Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
Retired New Orleans police Lt. Robert Italiano testified Wednesday that he simply wasn't given the information that would have led him to connect the discharge of a gun by another officer shortly after Hurricane Katrina to a burnt body later found in a car on the levee near an Algiers police station. (Read more »)
November 30, 2010Burning of Car with Henry Glover Inside Was a Surprise, NOPD Officer Says
By Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
Until he saw his New Orleans police colleague toss a lit flare into a car containing the dead body of a man on the batture of the Algiers levee, Lt. Dwayne Scheuermann said Tuesday he had no idea that officer Greg McRae intended to torch the vehicle. (Read more »)
November 29, 2010New Orleans Police Officer Says He Burned Car with Body Inside Because He Was Stressed, Exhausted
By Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
A veteran New Orleans police officer said he purposely torched a car containing a gunshot victim's body in the days after Hurricane Katrina because he was stressed, exhausted and felt disorder had gripped the city. (Read more »)
November 23, 2010Former New Orleans Cop Says He Fired at Henry Glover Because He Feared For His Life
By Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
In his first public account of why he fired at Henry Glover four days after Hurricane Katrina, former New Orleans police officer David Warren told jurors Tuesday that he pulled the trigger of his rifle because he was in fear for his life as two men ran toward the building he was guarding. (Read more »)
November 22, 2010New Orleans Police Lieutenant Lied During Henry Glover Probe, FBI Agent Testifies
By Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
A New Orleans police lieutenant accused of authoring a fabricated police report in the Henry Glover case lied about his involvement in the investigation and changed his story as the federal probe progressed, an FBI agent testified Monday.(Read more »)
November 19, 2010New Orleans Police Sergeant Describes Changes to Report on Death of Henry Glover
By Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
During her first trip to the grand jury investigating the death of 31-year-old Henry Glover, Sgt. Purnella Simmons lied about the origins of a New Orleans police report about an officer firing his weapon in Algiers in the days after Hurricane Katrina. Simmons had written a report months after the incident, but during trial testimony Friday she said that the report eventually filed into police records was altered.(Read more »)
November 18, 2010NOPD Officer Describes Scene After Car With Henry Glover's Body Inside Was Set Afire
By Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
A New Orleans police officer who admits to torching a car containing a human body in the days after Hurricane Katrina was laughing as he ran away from the macabre scene, a colleague testified Thursday in federal court.(Read more »)
November 17, 2010NOPD Officer Says She Squelched Her Personal Conclusions About the Death of Henry Glover
By Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
A young New Orleans police officer testified Wednesday that she had connected the dots in the case of Henry Glover, but failed to push the issue with supervisors for fear of becoming a "bull's-eye" for retaliation by colleagues.(Read more »)
November 10, 2010Officer Fired at Unarmed, Fleeing Man, His Partner Tells Federal Jury in Henry Glover Case
By Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
Former New Orleans police officer David Warren fired his personal assault rifle at an unarmed man who was trying to run away, his partner told a federal jury Wednesday in the first day of testimony in the civil rights case accusing Warren and four other police officers in the shooting and burning of Henry Glover and a subsequent cover-up in the days after Hurricane Katrina.(Read more »)
November 8, 2010Jurors in Case of Five New Orleans Police Officers Expected to Hear Opening Arguments Tuesday
By Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
After a long day of questioning prospective jurors, U.S. District Judge Lance Africk Monday evening chose to bring jurors back today for another round of queries before the court settles on the group of 16 people who will sit in judgment of five New Orleans police officers accused of civil rights violations and a cover-up in the death of an Algiers man days after Hurricane Katrina. (Read more »)
November 8, 2010Henry Glover Case Trial Begins for 5 Current and Former New Orleans Police Officers
By Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
Two years after they launched the first in a series of civil rights probes into the New Orleans Police Department, which have resulted in charges against 20 officers in four separate cases to date, federal prosecutors will face their first major test in court today, as a trial begins in the shooting death of Henry Glover in Algiers after Hurricane Katrina and a shocking cover-up that allegedly followed. (Read more »)
September 2, 2010Race Factor Emerges in Court Filings on NOPD Actions After Hurricane Katrina
By Brendan McCarthy, Times-Picayune
Federal prosecutors claim in new court documents that two of the NOPD officers accused in the alleged police shooting death of Henry Glover in the days after Hurricane Katrina and a subsequent cover-up were involved in unrelated, racially tinged incidents shortly before Glover was killed.(Read more »)
June 28, 2010Attorney for Ex-N.O. cop: Others Killed Glover
By Brendan McCarthy, Times-Picayune
The attorney for the former New Orleans police officer charged with killing Henry Glover in the days after Hurricane Katrina says his client isn't responsible for the death and suggests that other officers fatally shot Glover in the head.(Read more »)
June 8, 2010Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Against 4 New Orleans Cops in Henry Glover Case
By Brendan McCarthy, Times-Picayune
A wrongful death lawsuit was filed in federal court Tuesday against four New Orleans police officers for their alleged roles in the death of a man in the days after Hurricane Katrina.(Read more »)
May 26, 2010Cops Drove Car With Henry Glover Inside to Levee to 'Secure' the Body, Report Says
By Laura Maggi and Brendan McCarthy, Times-Picayune
Police officers who drove a car containing the body of Henry Glover to an Algiers levee after Hurricane Katrina did so to "secure" the body, according to a New Orleans Police Department investigative document obtained by The Times-Picayune. (Read more »)
May 24, 2010Missing-Person Report on Henry Glover Shooting Got No Timely Follow-Up, NOPD Records Show
By Laura Maggi, Times-Picayune
Two and a half months after her son was shot and subsequently disappeared in the chaotic days following Hurricane Katrina, Edna Glover went to the New Orleans Police Department's 4th District station in Algiers and reported Henry Glover missing. (Read more »)
April 12, 2010Third NOPD Officer Being Investigated in Case of Corpse Burned After Hurricane Katrina
By Brendan McCarthy, Times-Picayune
A third veteran New Orleans Police Department officer is being scrutinized by federal investigators who believe he played a role in the post-Katrina incineration of a car containing the body of a dead man believed to have been shot by a police officer. (Read more »)
March 14, 2010Algiers Police Shooting Report Altered, Sources Say
By Laura Maggi and Brendan McCarthy, staff writers and A.C. Thompson, ProPublica
A police report about the shooting of a man whose burned corpse was later discovered in a car on the Algiers levee after Hurricane Katrina apparently differs from the report originally written by the sergeant whose name appears on the document's cover page, sources close to a federal investigation into the matter say. (Read more »)
February 13, 2010New Orleans police officer under investigation in shooting in days after Katrina
By Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi, staff writers and A.C. Thompson, ProPublica
A former New Orleans police officer is under investigation for shooting Henry Glover outside an Algiers strip mall four days after Hurricane Katrina, the first act in a bizarre chain of events that has led to a massive federal probe into the city's Police Department. (Read more »)
July 10, 2009New Evidence Surfaces in Post-Katrina Crimes
By A.C. Thompson, ProPublica
Television news reports are casting new light on the violence that flourished in New Orleans in the anarchic days after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. (Read more »)
March 28, 2009FBI Opens Inquiry Into Death of Henry Glover
By A.C. Thompson, ProPublica
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is examining whether civil rights laws were violated in the case of Henry Glover, a New Orleans resident whose charred body was found shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit in August 2005. (Read more »)
December 19, 2008Body of Evidence
By A.C. Thompson, ProPublica
In September 2005, roughly a week after Hurricane Katrina ripped into the Gulf Coast, a group of New Orleans police officers discovered the burned shell of a car sitting on an earthen levee overlooking the bloated Mississippi River. Inside the scorched sedan, scattered across the back seat, lay black ashes and bones. Human bones. A charred skull, shards of rib, an arm bone, clumps of roasted flesh. Equipped with a digital camera, one cop clicked off a string of photos of the tableau. (Read more »)

posted august 25, 2010

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