law & disorder


July 22, 2011 10:56

Prosecution Wraps Up in Danziger Bridge Trial; Defense Begins Presenting Case

Prosecutors in the Danziger Bridge trial wrapped up their case yesterday, following emotional testimony from Lesha Bartholomew, who was shot in the side. Bartholomew, who was 17 at the time, told the jury she then scrambled behind a concrete barrier to try to protect her mother, whose arm had been nearly blown off by a high-powered round.

Defense attorneys presented two initial witnesses. Shawn Gasaway, a paramedic from Arkansas who was helping post-Katrina evacuation efforts, came to the bridge after hearing calls for assistance over the radio. Gasaway testified that when he arrived he could hear gunfire coming from several directions, including from a grassy area to the right of the bridge. A key theory from the defense is that in addition to the officers on the bridge, another unknown person or persons was shooting from that grassy area.

A second defense witness, Tris Lear, is a former investigator for the state attorney general. After the shootings, Lear had interviewed Lance Madison, who was with his brother Ronald, who was killed that day. Lear said Madison told him he had seen civilians shooting at police on the bridge.

Read more about yesterday's testimony from our partners at the Times-Picayune.

posted July 22, 2011