law & disorder


July 1, 2011 13:51

First Danziger Bridge Police Shooter Testifies Against Colleagues

On Thursday, Officer Ignatius Hills told the federal jury in the Danziger Bridge case that he shot at 14-year-old Leonard Bartholomew, IV, who was unarmed and fleeing the scene of the police shooting that killed two and wounded four other civilians. Bartholomew was not wounded; his mother Susan, who testified earlier this week, lost her right arm in the incident.

Hills also admitted to participating in a broad cover-up. He said he wrote a police report -- dictated to him by Sgt. Arthur Kaufman, one of the officers on trial -- accusing one of the unarmed civilians of attempting to murder the officers on the bridge that day.

Read more about yesterday's testimony from our partners at the Times-Picayune.

posted July 1, 2011