law & disorder


July 29, 2011 12:09

Defense Wraps Up Danziger Bridge Case

Yesterday, the defense offered its final witness -- a nurse who cared for Jose Holmes, Jr. after he was shot on the bridge. She tesitifed that Holmes told her that some of the people he was with on the bridge had guns.

Earlier in the day, defense lawyers read the grand jury testimony of two other NOPD officers who were on the bridge into the record. Officer Heather Gore said that when she arrived at the scene with other officers in a Budget rental truck she heard a "pinging" sound that she believed came from someone shooting at the truck. She also told the grand jury that she saw a man, who later got away, pointing an assault rifle at police. Lt. NAME Tollefson testified that he heard a man tell police that he and his brother fired weapons on the bridge.

Prosecutors are expected to offer rebuttal witnesses today and closing arguments will take place next week.

Read more from our partners at the Times-Picayune.

posted July 29, 2011