law & disorder


May 4, 2011 14:50

New Trial for Officer Convicted in Henry Glover Case

Today, a judge ordered a new trial for former NOPD officer Travis McCabe, who was convicted of writing a false police report to justify the shooting of Henry Glover. Glover was shot by another officer, David Warren, in the days following Hurricane Katrina; a third officer, Greg McRae, admitted to setting the car containing Glover's body on fire. In March, Warren and McRae were sentenced to more than 25 years and more than 16 years in prison, respectively.

Following McCabe's December 2010 conviction, an earlier draft surfaced of the report he was convicted of altering. Based on this new evidence, Judge Lance Africk ruled that McCabe was entitled to a new trial.

Read more from our partners at the Times-Picayune.

posted May 4, 2011