law & disorder


March 31, 2011 14:19

2 NOPD Officers Sentenced in Henry Glover Case

Today former New Orleans Police Officer David Warren was sentenced to more than 25 years in prison for the shooting of Henry Glover, while former Officer Greg McRae, who admitted to burning the car containing Glover's body, was sentenced to more than 16 years.

Judge Lance Africk delivered "stern speeches" to both men before handing down their sentences, according to our partners at the Times-Picayune. He called Warren's claim that Glover had charged at him "spurious" and described McRae's actions as "barbaric" and "unforgivable."

A third former officer, Travis McCabe, was convicted of writing a false police report on the shooting. His sentencing has been postponed, pending a hearing on new evidence uncovered by his lawyers.

The shooting of Henry Glover and burning of his body was one of six cases of questionable police shootings in the wake of Hurricane Katrina that we've been investigating since December 2009 along with our partners at ProPublica and Times-Picayune. To date, more than a dozen officers have been indicted, and a federal investigation has found "systemic" civil rights violations by the NOPD.

posted March 31, 2011