law & disorder


December 17, 2010 14:20

NOPD Chief Reassigns 6 Veteran Officers in Wake of Glover Verdict

Yesterday, Chief Ronal Serpas placed six veteran officers on desk duty while the NOPD conducts an internal investigation into violations of department rules. "After receiving a briefing this week by federal authorities regarding the death of Henry Glover, I am presently not comfortable in the ability of these individuals to professionally carry out their police duties as members, or leaders, of this police department pending our full investigative review," he said in a statement.

One of the officers who was reassigned was Capt. Jeff Winn, who testified he ordered Lt. Dwayne Scheuermann and Officer Greg McRae to remove Glover's body from the makeshift police compound at Habans Elementary School. Winn told the jury that it wasn't until early 2009 that he learned McRae had burned the car containing Glover's body. McRae was convicted last week of burning Glover's body; Scheuermann was acquitted. Capt. Winn and Lt. Scheuermann were also involved in another case we're looking at -- the shooting of Keenon McCann.

Read more about the other officers who were reassigned from our partners at the Times-Picayune.

posted December 17, 2010