law & disorder


December 9, 2010 22:00

3 NOPD Officers Guilty, 2 Acquitted in Glover verdict

After three days of deliberations a federal jury found three NOPD officers guilty and acquitted two others in the shooting of Henry Glover, the burning of his body and the ensuing cover-up.

Former officer David Warren was convicted of manslaughter for shooting Glover. Officer Greg McRae was convicted of civil rights violations and obstruction of justice in the burning of Glover's body. Lt. Travis McCabe was convicted of obstruction of justice for writing a false police report, perjury and lying to federal investigators.

Officer McRae and Lt. Dwayne Scheuermann were acquitted of beating two men who tried to help Glover after he was shot. Lt. Scheuermann and retired Lt. Robert Italiano were also acquitted of participating in the burning of Glover's body and Lt. Italiano was acquitted of making false statements to federal investigators.

Read more about the verdicts from our partners at ProPublica and the Times-Picayune.

posted December 9, 2010