law & disorder


November 18, 2010 08:40

Officer Testifies She Connected the Dots in Glover Case, Didn't Say Anything

Yesterday, the federal jury heard testimony from NOPD Officer Keyalah Bell, who was one of the first officers to arrive at the scene of Henry Glover's shooting. She said that she later saw a wounded man at Habans Elementary School, whom she figured was Glover, and that she was among the first to receive missing person reports from Glover's family. When she told her supervisor, Lt. Robert Italiano, who is charged with filing false police reports, he suggested she tell the family to "Check the morgue." She said she never said anything because she feared becoming a "bull's-eye" for retribution by her colleagues.

Bell was one of six officers that testified in the trial yesterday. Two others testified that they saw events related to the Glover case but initially lied to federal investigators because they feared retaliation. Defense attorneys questioned inconsistencies in Bell's story over the years and are expected to continue cross-examination today.

Read more from our partners at the Times-Picayune.

posted November 18, 2010