law & disorder


November 11, 2010 10:33

Officer Testifies Her Partner Shot Henry Glover

Yesterday, the prosecution and defense gave their opening arguments in the trial of five NOPD officers accused in the death of Henry Glover. NOPD Officer Linda Howard told a federal jury that her former partner, David Warren, shot Glover, and an attorney for Officer Greg McRae acknowledged that his client set fire to the car containing Glover's body. Here are some details from yesterday's testimony:

  • Officer Linda Howard testified that her partner, Officer David Warren, yelled out a "loud command" and then fired his personal assault rifle at Henry Glover as he was running away from the strip mall where Howard and Warren were stationed after the storm. "I didn't hit him," Warren said, according to her testimony. Julian Murray, Warren's attorney, disputed Howard's depiction of events and said that Warren feared for his life. Murray also questioned why Howard told another police detective in 2009 that she didn't recall seeing the shooting. Howard said that she had suppressed her memories of the incident in the years after the storm and it wasn't until she later visited the scene that she began having flashbacks.
  • Frank DeSalvo, attorney for Officer Greg McRae, acknowledged that his client drove the car with Glover's body to a levee, lit a flare, tossed it into the car, fired a gun through the back windshield and walked away. "He made a bad decision in burning that body," DeSalvo said of his client, but the attorney maintained the act was not illegal and asked the jury to consider the frame of mind of McRae, whom he described as a "desk jockey" dealing with countless dead bodies after Katrina.

Read more about yesterday's testimony from our partners at the Times-Picayune...

posted November 11, 2010