law & disorder


September 7, 2010 10:43

Does Statute of Limitations Mean Fed Probes Wrapping Up?

Our partners at the Times-Picayune are reporting that the federal investigations of two of the cases we're following -- Case One, Mystery on Religious Street and Case Four, the shooting of Keenon McCann -- may be impacted by a five-year statute of limitations. Though FBI Agent Sheila Thorne told the paper that all of their nine active investigations are open and ongoing, legal experts say that prosecutors prefer to bring cases within the five-year time frame.

Cases Two and Three, the shooting deaths of Matthew McDonald and Danny Brumfield, do not face the same deadline because they involve deaths. And officers that have pled guilty in Case Six, the Danziger Bridge shootings, have described a long-running cover-up, which would extend the time in which prosecutors could bring charges.

Read more from the Times-Picayune...

posted September 7, 2010