law & disorder


August 11, 2010 11:00

Officers Being Investigated in Danny Brumfield's Death

NOPD officers Ronald Mitchell and Ray Jones have received letters indicating they are targets in the federal investigation into the shooting death of Danny Brumfield in the days after Katrina, our partners at the Times-Picayune are reporting today. Officer Mitchell fired a single shot that killed Brumfield, but the events leading up to the incident are in dispute; the police say Brumfield leaped onto the hood of a police car brandishing a pair of scissors, while his family says he was trying to flag down officers for help when he was struck by the car.

The feds opened up their investigation into the incident after ProPublica, the Times-Picayune and FRONTLINE reported on Brumfield's death in December 2009, and the letters sent to Mitchell and Jones indicates that the probe may be nearing completion. Read more...

posted August 11, 2010