law & disorder


July 13, 2010 18:16

Six Additional Officers Indicted in Danziger Case

Today a federal grand jury indicted six current and former NOPD officers for their roles in the shootings on the Danziger Bridge and the conspiracy to cover up what happened. To date, 11 officers have been charged and three have pleaded guilty.

Sgt. Kenneth Bowen, Sgt. Robert Gisevius, former Officer Robert Faulcon and Officer Anthony Villavaso were each charged with a civil rights violation in the shooting death of 19-year-old James Brisette, as well as for injuring several members of the Bartholomew family.

Faulcon and Bowen were also charged with civil rights violations in the death of Ronald Madison; Faulcon was charged with killing the mentally disabled man, who was shot in the back, and Bowen was accused of kicking and stomping on Madison's body after he had been shot.

Sgt. Arthur Kaufman and former Sgt. Gerard Dugue were accused, along with Bowen, Gisevius, Faulcon and Villavaso, with participating in the cover-up, conspiracy to obstruct justice and making false statements to investigators.

The indictments were announced by Attorney General Eric Holder. Read more...

posted July 13, 2010