law & disorder


June 11, 2010 16:20

5 Officers Indicted in Henry Glover Death

Today a grand jury indicted five NOPD officers for their roles in the Sept. 2, 2005 death of Henry Glover. Glover was shot and a burned-out car containing his remains was found by the Algiers levee. The video below was shot on Sept. 9, 2005 by private investigators who stumbled upon the scene.

Read the indictment (PDF). Among the charges:
- Former Officer David Warren was charged with shooting and killing Glover.
- Lt. Dwayne Scheuermann and Officer Greg McRae were charged with assaulting civilians who had come to Glover's aid, burning the car containing Glover's body and obstructing a federal investigation
- Former Lt. Robert Italiano and Lt. Travis McCabe were charged with obstructing justice and lying to the FBI. McCabe was also charged with lying to a grand jury.

Federal investigators began looking into the circumstances surrounding Glover's death following a December 2008 article in The Nation magazine by ProPublica reporter A.C. Thompson. Explore our case file on Glover's death here.

posted June 11, 2010