law & disorder


February 25, 2010 13:27

New Developments

A police investigator admits to planting evidence on the Danziger Bridge and participating in a cover-up ... another officer is under investigation for shooting Henry Glover ... and the feds have widened their probe into the NOPD. Here's what we've learned since we launched Law & Disorder two weeks ago...

· On Feb. 24, former NOPD Lt. Michael Lohman pled guilty to conspiracy to obstruct justice and acknowledged participating in a cover up in the Danziger Bridge case (Case 6) in which NOPD officers shot at civilians, killing two and wounding four. According to court documents, Lohman admitted to helping plant a gun at the scene, helping craft several fraudulent police reports, failing to collect evidence at the scene and lying to federal agents. Read more...

· In mid-February we learned that federal investigators believe that then-NOPD rookie officer David Warren shot Henry Glover, (Case 5) whose charred remains were found in the back of an incinerated car left on the banks of the Mississippi River. Read more...

· And also in mid-February, we learned that federal investigators have broadened their investigation and are looking at the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Matthew McDonald (Case 2) and Danny Brumfield (Case 3), and the nonfatal shooting of Keenon McCann (Case 4). Read more...

We're still looking for your help -- if you have information or tips related to any of these cases e-mail us or call our tip line [504-826-3775].

posted February 25, 2010