The Old Man and the Storm
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Press Reaction

Dave Walker, New Orleans Times-Picayune

... Cross' film, "The Old Man and the Storm," is more than a profile in perseverance. Through Gettridge's eyes, she tells the whole stumbling Road Home story -- too familiar to locals, yet still mostly untold to most viewers out in the everywhere-else. ...

Michael Judge, The Wall Street Journal

... a story of endurance skillfully told.

Adam B. Kushner, Newsweek

... Director June Cross's telling is heavy-handed, but Gettridge gleams through as a wondrously cantankerous icon of the city's spirit. ...

"The Old Man and the Storm" offers no storybook reunion. The final chapter is bittersweet, more bitter than sweet, and with it, Cross has found a way to tell the story of all New Orleans.

Sam Allis, The Boston Globe

... a moving story ... an earnest effort told with skill and compassion.

... We are reminded in this program of the cascade of bureaucratic nightmares, particularly at the federal level, that shattered any claim of competence by the Bush administration. We know most of this. What we don't know, though, can be breathtaking. ...

Mary McNamara, Los Angeles Times

... tries to construct a middle-ground narrative, with mixed results. ...

At times the narrative moves to larger political issues ... and larger social ones as well. ... Cross uses these departures judiciously, but still, they mostly dilute the power of "The Old Man and the Storm," which comes from the Gettridge family. ...

Eric Deggans, St. Petersburg Times

... Cross expertly ties all the big picture controversy over rebuilding after Katrina to problems in Gettridge's personal story. ... Even if you think you're tired of Katrina stories, you'll want to see this one.

Cynthia Fuchs,

... incisive, heartrending, beautifully crafted ...

The Week

... paints a compelling portrait of a determined spirit standing up not only to the fury of nature but to the pernicious forces of bureaucratic inertia and indifference.

Raechal Shewfelt,

... [I]f you have any problems at all understanding just how catastrophic Hurricane Katrina was for the people of Louisiana and how much the city still struggles, you need only to watch PBS Frontline's The Old Man and the Storm. ...

... [A]s depressing as it was, the show somehow made me a little optimistic, because someone outside of New Orleans and the other affected areas was still paying attention. ... It's up to us to keep reminding our government and the people high in its ranks that they screwed up and still have a mess to fix, just as Cross has done.

posted january 6, 2009

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background photograph jennifer zdon for the times-picayune