Medical journal and study abstracts on breast implants and associated medical risks

  • Self-reported Breast Implants and Connective-Tissue Diseases in Female Health Professionals: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Charles H. Hennekens, MD, DrPH; I-Min Lee, MBBS, ScD; Nancy R. Cook, ScD; Patricia R Hebert, PhD; Elizabeth W. Karlson, MD; Fran LaMotte; JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DrPH; Julie E. Buring, ScD. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1996; 275:616-621 (Note: Scroll to the middle of the page).

  • Silicone Breast Implants and the Risk of Connective-Tissue Diseases and Symptoms. Sanchez-Guerrero J., et al. New England Journal of Medicine 1995; 332:1666-1670.

  • Breast Implants, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Connective-Tissue Diseases in a Clinical Practice . Goldman, JA, et al. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, April 1995; 48(4): 571-82.

  • Breast Silicone Implants and the Risk of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Strom, BL, et al. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, October 1994; 47 (10): 1211-4.

  • Risk of Connective-Tissue Diseases and Other Disorders After Breast Implantation. Gabriel S.E., et al. New England Journal of Medicine 1994; 330: 1697-702.

  • Scleroderma and Augmentation Mamoplasty-A Causal Relationship?. Englert HJ, Brooks P. Australian/ New Zealand Journal of Medicine 1994; 24.

  • Incidence of Autoimmune Disease in Patients after Breast Recostruction with Silicone Gel Implants Versus Autogenous Tissue: A Preliminary Report. Schusterman, Mark A., et al. July 1993, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.

  • Augmentation Mammoplasty in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis: Data from the Baltimore Scleroderma Research Center and Pittsburgh Scleroderma Data Bank. Wigley, F.M., et al. 1992, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD.

  • Silicone Breast Implants and Risk for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Dugowson, Carin E., et al. 1992, University of Washington Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA.

  • Self-reported Breast Implants and Connective-Tissue Diseases in Female Health Professionals: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Charles H. Hennekens, MD, DrPH; I-Min Lee, MBBS, ScD; Nancy R. Cook, ScD; Patricia R. Hebert, PhD; Elizabeth W. Karlson, MD; Fran LaMotte; JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DrPH; Julie E. Buring, ScD. JAMA,1996; 275:616-621.

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