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What are your thoughts on this story --- your views of the newspaper's investigation? Mayor Jim West? Where does one draw the line on the issue of a politician's private life and the public's right to know?


After watching tonight's broadcast of Frontline, I was very disturbed by the newspapers agenda against Mr. West. In looking for their headline, they said what I had imagined they were thinking "WE WON." To me this is what is wrong with the press in America. They villified a person who had committed no crime (case closed by the FBI). If I were to conduct an such a lengthy investigation upon the staff of the newspaper, I'm sure I could indict these professionals on a few charges (even if the law disagreed).

I do not believe this story has anything to do with sexual orientation, child abuse, or abuse of power. I believe this story came as a result of personal vendetta or possibly a way to increase market share or profit.

William Alexander
Baltimore, MD


We are surrounded by hypocrisy and hypocrites but I don't think I've ever seen the likes of that presented in this story. No, I'm not talking about Mayor West. I'm referring to the editors and reporters of the Spokane newspaper who set out to destroy this man and his career with far less evidence than the House Republicans had against Bill Clinton.

Had Mayor West been a liberal Democrat, how differently he most assuredly would have been treated.

Bob Stovall
macon, GA


A moving and disturbing story. Unfortunately, the public seems to love to demonize people who make sexual mistakes, perhaps because it makes them feel superior in their own troubled lives. Also, it is disturbing that a paper would conduct a witch hunt with such vague and unsubstantiated information. I hope Mr. West's family have some sort or civil recourse for the wrongs that were done to him.

steve jones
atlanta, georga


I am a fiercely pro-gay heterosexual liberal. But, I feel sorry for West. I don't like that he hypocritically voted against gay rights but the show made it seem like the paper blew this way out of proportion. They deliberately looked for this scandal after already having decided that there was a scandal. The abuse of office seemed minor to me while watching the show, and my thoughts were confirmed since the FBI closed the case without finding adequate evidence. At least based on the chats shown on the show, I don't really see the big deal. It's awful that he thought being gay is a sin, but that's learned conditioning that is hard to shake off. And, then, at the end when it said he had died in July, I was saddened. This is not a way for someone to come out, at the end of his life. I genuinely feel sorry for him even though my political, social, and religious stance is obviously so different from his was.

Asha Srinivasan
Laurel, MD


What on earth was the point of the paper doing this to Mr. West? All that time & energy wasted ruining a man's life & career. I hope they are happy with themselves. What did it prove?

Ronnie Muth
martinsburg, wv

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posted nov. 14, 2006

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