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Do you think the world will be able to act in time to avoid the critical threshold we're approaching with global warming?


Chavez has the right idea. Big business and the profit motive will get us all killed. No different than children will an unlimited allowance they've convinced themselves that their freedoms are at stake when confronted with the transgressions of their ways and circle the wagons.

That the head of the EPA thumbs his nose at Congress ...that anyone ever thumbed their nose at Congress, from Reagan and Bush the Watergate plumbers and usually republicans is just shameful.

Self interest is not patriotism, believe it or not patriotism is collective, however that word has been successfully demonized by the likes of Limbaugh and Fox.

n. omsted, ohio


I am very very very disappointed that the producers of this program have so completely bought into the lie that there is a consensus among true climate scientists that anthropogenic co2 is the cause of catastrophic global warming. This is a lie but anyone who disagrees with the Gore mantra risks being called a holocaust denier or a prostitute of big oil. ...

Katrina has NOTHING to do with global warming. Kenya is not warming. The Snows of Kilimanjaro have been decreasing since the 1800s because of lack of moisture not increasing temp. The facts are there for honest open investigation. I applaud and heartily support alternative energy development and responsible fossil fuel conservation. I applaud scientific debate. I deplore closed minded sensationalism. 203 531 3301

Tony Pisacano
Greenwich, Ct

FRONTLINE's editors respond:

The focus of FRONTLINE's two-hour documentary "Heat" was an investigation of how the world's largest corporations and governments are responding to global warming.� The focus of the film was not the science of global warming (we reported on the science in our two-hour joint investigation with NOVA, "What's Up With the Weather?" http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/warming/).� While it is true that there is some disagreement in the scientific community about how long it will take, our reporting indicates that the scientific consensus is overwhelmingly on the side of the view that the world is warming, that the warming is due to the presence of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and that the amount of warming observed cannot be explained solely by natural causes. Given what arguably seems an international consensus by scientists that mankind is influencing global warming and the debate has shifted from a scientific one to a political/economic one, our program examined the governmental and business forces that have prevented the U.S. from addressing this threat, what alternatives to fossil fuels are being considered and pushed, and what hard choices lay ahead.


I am doing what I can. I have driven a plug-in car for over a year using clean domestic wind energy to offset the amount of gas I need to use. I have now converted six more cars (five SUV's, four Prius) into the plug-in vehicles and I hope to put even mor on the road soon. I am doing every thing I can to put more on the road so that we don't have so much pollution.

Jim Philippi
Houston, Texas

posted october 21, 2008

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