Rules of Engagement

Haditha City Council Letter

letter from the haditha city council

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On the first night of Ramadhan and on the 4th -Oct-2005 ,The Americans forces enter Haditha ,surrounded it with all its locations and areas , destroyed bridges , established check points , prohibited entrance and exiting to and from the city .Military patrols spread everywhere and started accurate searching for all houses , schools , hospital , offices and even mosques , and most of them were searched more than once , then the American forces imposed a complete siege . That siege which had seen no lightening only after about three weeks. Meanwhile, the American forces allowed all kinds of vehicles to move and to enter Haditha or leaving it after undergoing to an accurate searching of two check points.

From the time above, the study, all over schools of Haditha , had stopped until this moments .in addition , some schools had become residence place for American forces which helped too much in stopping life cycles in Haditha .

But in the morning of 19th -Nov-2005 a painful disaster had happened when the American soldiers had executed three families with a number of university students who were on their way to their college , after an explosion of a ground mine . that happened in front of many people and the martyrs were 24 (twenty four) civilians , most of them were women and children who had no relation with military deeds at all .that disaster which took us to the first square - The siege started , the movement is not allowed in the city , fear and horror dominated all people of Haditha again and the life cycle stopped again .

So the people of Haditha respectfully demand:

1. Making an immediate investigation about the painful events of 19th -Nov- 2005 and punishing the doers because the people of Haditha had considered it as a crime of war, which could be never forgotten. 2. Giving assurance (guaranty) not to repeat such a disaster .

3. Giving permission to all kinds of mass media and to all human organization to enter the city and to let them know the situation in the city.

4. Giving up arresting women and terrifying them under any circumstance The people of Haditha are insisting on getting back the civil life to their city by the following:

a. opening the inside and outside ( inner and outer ) roads and ending the prohibition of vehicles movements
b. leaving all schools and offices which are exploited by American forces and keeping the military positions away of the city centers
c. repeating the damaged bridge .
d. Repeating the damaged schools and offices.
e. Lightening the suffering of people in the city and making the basic materials for living easy and available
f. solving the problem of salaries which were delayed since 6 months
g. giving up getting the families out of their houses leaving them without any shelter in order to exploit them by making these houses residence places for American forces . h. Giving up entering the gardens of houses at night while the families are inside the houses. For many times the soldiers spent all night in the garden while the families are trembling because of fear and horrors.


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posted february 19, 2008

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