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Listing of Munitions Employed in Desert Storm

Munitions Air Force Navy Marine Corps Total
General Purpose Bombs
Mk-82 (500lb) 59,884 10,941 6,828 77,653
Mk-83 (1000lb) 10,125 8,893 19,081
Mk-84 (2000lb) 10,467 971 751 12,289
Mk-117 (B-52) 43,435 43,435
CBU-52 17,831 17,831
(fragmentation bomb)
CBU-87 10,035 10,035
(combined effects munition)
CBU-89/78 (Gator) 1,105 148 61 1,314
Mk-20 (Rockeye) 5,345 6,814 15,828 27,987
Laser Guided Bombs
GBU (laser/Mk-82) 4,086 205 202 4,493
Air-to-Surface Missiles
AGM-114 Hellfire 2,876 (Army) 30 159 3,065
(AH-64 and AH-1W)
AGM-65 All Models 5,255 41 5,296


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