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The New York Times Reports The Lodi, California Case The War on Terror The U.S. Department of Justice's New Paradigm

The New York Times Reports

FRONTLINE's "The Enemy Within" was produced in collaboration with the Times

+ "FBI Struggling to Reinvent Itself to Fight Terror"
A look at the FBI's attempts to adapt to the "new paradigm" of preventing terrorist attacks in the United States.

+ "Contained? Adding Up the Ounces of Prevention"
On the fifth anniversary of 9/11, the Times compiled this overview of the U.S. government's top terror-related investigations -- what they involved and their outcome or status to date.

+ "Tracing Terror Plots, British Watch, Then Pounce"
This article about the August 2006 disruption of the London airline bombing plot examines the differences in American and British law enforcement strategies.

+ "After Londonistan"
This story from The New York Times Magazine looks at British authorities' attempts to reach out to London's Muslim communities in the wake of the July 7, 2005 mass-transit terror attacks.

+ "A Year Into Revamped Spying, Troubles and Some Progress"
Nearly one year after the creation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Times reporter Scott Shane sizes up the progress in reforming America's intelligence community.

The Lodi, Calif. Case

+ "Prophetic Justice"
In the October 2006 issue of The Atlantic, Amy Waldman examines the Hayat trial and the Justice Department's new paradigm from a slightly different perspective: "The United States is now prosecuting suspected terrorists on the basis of their intentions, not just their actions. But in the case of Islamic extremists, how can American jurors fairly weigh words and beliefs when Muslims themselves can't agree on what they mean?"

+ "The Agent Who May Have Saved Hamid Hayat"
A May 27, 2006 Los Angeles Times profile of retired FBI agent James Wedick, who was barred from testifying for the defense in Hamid Hayat's trial. The article also details the agricultural community of Lodi, Hayat's confession and the case against Hamid and his father.

The Nature of the Threat

+ "Is There Still a Terrorist Threat?: The Myth of the Omnipresent Enemy"
In the September/October 2006 issue of Foreign Affairs, Ohio State Political Science Professor John Mueller questions the standard explanation as to why America has not been attacked since 9/11: that our war on terror has made us safer. "If al Qaeda operatives are as determined and inventive as assumed, they should be here by now," writes Mueller. "If they are not yet here, they must not be trying very hard or must be far less dedicated, diabolical, and competent than the common image would suggest."

+ "The Reorganized U.S. Intelligence System after One Year"
In this April 2006 article written for American Enterprise Institute, Judge Richard Posner examines whether the complaints heard in the newly reshuffled intelligence community "are merely teething troubles -- the inevitable transition costs involved in an ambitious government reorganization -- or whether they point to fundamental design flaws in the intelligence reorganization."

+ "Are We Safer?"
From the March 9 2006 issue of the New York Review of Books,Georgetown law professor David Cole reviews The Next Attack by counterterror experts Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon; in the process he picks apart the Bush administration's claims of victory abroad and in terror prosecutions at home. Cole is particularly worried about unfair treatment of innocent Muslims: "In the long run the resentment provoked by these measures is the greatest threat to our national security, and the most likely source of the next attack."

+ "Master Plan"
In the September 11, 2006 issue of The New Yorker, staff writer Lawrence Wright argues that 9/11 was a disaster for Al Qaeda and that the organization is changing course. He examines the writings of jihadist Abu Musab al-Suri, who "believed that the jihadi movement had nearly been extinguished by the drying up of financial resources, the killing or capture of many terrorist leaders, the loss of safe havens, and the increasing international cooperation among police agencies."

+ American Muslims and the Threat of Homegrown Terrorism
A September 2006 backgrounder by the Council on Foreign Relations that provides a concise overview of the threat of homegrown terrorism (complete with links to reports and Congressional testimony), the reactions of Muslim Americans, and how the American Muslim community differs from Europe's.

+ Out of the Shadows: Getting Ahead of Prisoner Radicalization (pdf, 38 pages)
A September 2006 report by The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute and The University of Virginia Critical Incident Analysis Group recommends Congress established a commission to explore the potentially dangerous issue. From the executive summary: " The potential for radicalization of prison inmates in the United States poses a threat of unknown magnitude to the national security of the U.S."

The U.S. Department of Justice's New Paradigm

+ The Tools of Counterterrorism
From FRONTLINE's 2003 report "Chasing the Sleeper Cell," this article provides a concise summary of several of the major laws and precedents prosecutors are using to combat terrorism at home.

+ "U.S. Campaign Produces Few Convictions on Terrorism Charges"
In 2005 President Bush and Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez touted 400 terror-related prosecutions since 9/11, half of which had resulted in convictions. But within a week the Washington Post published this analysis disputing those claims and explaining how only 39 convictions actually involved charges related to terrorism. This article is part of a Post series on terror cases, including case-by-case analyses and a look at the use of immigration statutes to combat terrorism.

+ Justice Department Counterterrorism White Paper (pdf, 70 pages)
The June 2006 Justice Department report on terror-related cases cited by Karen Greenberg in her interview about the government's prosecution of terror trials.

+ Terrorist Trial Report Card
This February 2005 report on terror cases, the most recent edition available online from Karen Greenberg's Center on Law and Security, begins, "The legal war on terror has yielded few visible results. There have been relatively few indictments, fewer trials, and almost no convictions on charges reflecting dangerous crimes." Includes summary charts, statistics and a detailed report on individual cases.

+ "Junior"
The Lodi, Calif. investigation relied heavily on an undercover informant. In this profile from the September 11, 2006 issue of The New Yorker, Jane Mayer looks at a high-profile informer, Jamal Ahmed al-Fadl, a colorful character who became America's most valued informant on Al Qaeda.

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posted oct. 10, 2006

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