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photos of president bush, explosion, and generals in iraq
What do you take away from this report chronicling four years of tactical and strategic mistakes in Iraq?   Are you hopeful about the 'surge' of new troops - a final effort to secure victory?


I found the information presented in the program refreshing. The breakdown of the activities and those involved in the decision making process is appreciated. Especially in light of the political nature here at home, and the conflicting information given from the politicians and those serving or familiar with actual conditions in Iraq. Those interviewed for the program seemed sincere and knowledgeable in the current conditions in Iraq. Whether we stay or leave before securing Iraq, it is good to have a dedicated non partisan discussion on a defined, long term plan for the war, its victims, and its survivors. It is currently the largest war in the world, and it needs well thought out plans to effect its outcome.

David Tull
centennial, co


I would have appreciated a more unbiased collection of commentary in "Endgame" to go alongside the many graphic images of troops being shot and bombs going off that Frontline felt needed to be shown. With such gloom & doom remarks as "the Samarra Mosque bombing is this war's Tet", it seems the reporters from The New York Times, The Washington Post, & The New Republic have thrown in the towel for Iraq.

War is hell, and it is not something that any of us should take lightly. But in my opinion, this show is only painting the image that this war cannot be won, Iraq is truly a hell on earth, & no matter what we do, we are headed down the road to the evacuation of the Green Zone, just like Saigon. I believe Frontline, along with the commentators, have declared the war lost, and have insulted our troops, their families, and everyone working towards a winning strategy for this conflict.

Joshua Sanders
Houston, TX


What I take away from this report is the utter futility of solving problems with force. I grieve for the families of the men and women whom we sent to fight George Bush's discretionarywar and for the Iraqi families who are his victims.

Why does Frontline fall into the administration's trap by using the word "victory?" There can be no victory, only more years of conflict and suffering.

Jane McWilliams
Northfield, MN


What Americans need desperately to hear is the viewpoints of Iraqis themselves, a wide variety of them. This has been sorely lacking from all news media coverage and I cannot understand why Frontline did not provide it. As one who has known Iraqis and others from Arab countries for decades, I'm sure all would say they were opposed to an American invasion from day one. I too marvel at the naivete and superficial understanding of the region by those who led us into this horrific mess.

BJ Kalmbach
Madison, WI


This is cool! It's better than watching the History Channel discuss the "endgame" for the Greeks, the Romans, or even the most recent British. I'm watching the demise of a nation in color. Sad it's my nation.

Karriem W
New York, New York


"In Clear, Hold and Build operations, the United States requires large and inexpensive forces that can operate effectively in protracted, low-intensity environments. Instead, the United States has developed its land forces so that they are optimized for operational maneuver and deployment from strategic distances. They are small, expensive, fast moving, firepower-intensive, and intended for short-duration engagements that seek to shatter similar enemy formations." So says the advance military studies group at your own Fort Leavenworth. Basically, they're saying you have the wrong army, and have had since day one.

Maybe your program should have mentioned that too.

andy grainger
london, Ontario


No amount of additional troops can, or ever will secure victory. Indeed, increased insurgency will be directly proportional to any increase in military agression. Have our leaders forgotten how the USA was created, how we won our freedom, how against profound wealth and power we only got stronger? Enhanced resolve is the only certain thing to be expected if we continue to feed this war machine.

Even if you believe our cause is righteous, it's irrelevant. Perception is what matters and we are perceived by the indigenous people as invaders and occupyers. Period.

Al DuVernay
New Orleans, Louisiana


Throughout the program I kept on hearing the term "insurgency". Now I wish there was some intellectual honesty on this subject. This is not an insurgency. We have started a Jehad, and only if we replace the word "insurgency" with "jehad" do we truly get the chilling sense of what we have found ourselves in, or instigated. Unless we as Americans are prepared to kill a vast majority of Iraqis civilians et al, we will loose this war. For Iraqis and Muslims of the middle east this has become a historical struggle to protect their religion and they are willing to sacrifice everything for it. This is a fundamental tenant of jehad and Islam that we Americans fail to comprehend. There is no endgame. As Michael Schuer has stated time and time again, the equation is no more complicated than kill at a large scale or cease becoming a global power in muslim lands.

John Andrews
Titton Falls, IL


There was a time when fighting a war half way around the world might keep danger that far away from many of our citizens. There was a time when information about a war fought far away might seem less threatening for a while. With the speed of communication and travel today we feel about as safe as when neighbors on either side of us begin to shoot at one another. The advice to "lie low and let us take care of this" does not hold out much hope.

Williard Mueller
Hickory, NC


What a disappointing piece of propaganda this "report" turned out to be! Ending with a commentator calling Bush a Greek hero is beyond appalling, it is the same kind of nationalistic tripe that got us in this mess.

There was a time when Frontline would have questioned why a conservative think tank like the American "enterprise" institute is literally writing our war policy. The old Frontline would even have asked who is paying these AEI maniacs.

But that Frontline was a casualty of this war. Instead, this frontline shows a clip of John McCain that gave the false impression that he and a host of other Bush allies think the war is a failure. This war is doing exactly what Bush, Cheney, and the other architects wanted it to--it is using the US military to steal Iraqi oil and slaughter the Iraqi people so that the multinational oil companies can profit.

That is story the American people need to hear. We no longer passively accept idolatry of the president.

Joe DeMare
Toledo, Ohio


If we find that the Clear Hold and Build does work, we will need and even larger force to carry it out and that would turn our Country into termoil. If the C H & B doesn't work, we have to find another stratergy or give up and prepare a plan for withdrawal which we are probably doing. Since we are going to leave Iraq sooner or later, it seems to me lets do it sooner rather than latter.

Jack Redmond
Boiling Spring Lakes, N.C.


It's one thing to make such a colossal,reckless misjudgment in invading Iraq in the first place but to then mismanage the aftermath in such a way as to compound the disaster is just unforgiveable. The arrogance and sheer incompetence of this administration is breathtaking with the parallels to Vietnam unmistakeable as, once again, we face the agony of knowing that we have thrown away such talented human resources and untold dollars in an effort that has no good ending.

John Richter
Traverse City, MI


What do I take away from the "Endgame" episode of Frontline ? I take away that Frontline and 'PBS' just love showing video of Americans being killed and injured. Could you not have also included some videos of Americans being beheaded ? I mean, you do have Iraqi insurgents on your staff, do you not ?

C Williams
Austin, TX


Congratulations Americans!

After only about 5 years your media is starting to awake to the facts, although the program failed to even mention the extent of opposition worldwide to the worst foreign policy initiative since Vietnam. You also failed to note that there WERE no Al Qaeda in Iraq prior to the invasion and that the whole fiasco was based on a lie. Do you think maybe that has something to do with the complete disaster that is Iraq? You failed to note Bremer et al and the disastrous neo con ideology that condemned hundreds of thousands to poverty, all the while lining the pockets of the oil barons. You forgot to mention Abu Ghraib, the kangaroo trials and the lynching of Saddam.

Other than all that, good job, Frontline.

andy grainger
london, ontario


Whether ill-fated or not, the US will be in Iraq for many years. History shows centuries of ethnic and religious conflicts, so we should not be surprised by the current situation in the Middle East. Religious fundamentalism has been brewing for many years in the Middle East. The entire region is a powderkeg of misplaced anger, I fear that worse may be yet to come.

patrick craft md
timberlake, nc


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posted june 19, 2007

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