Educating Sergeant Pantzke

The Colleges' Statements to FRONTLINE

Bridgepoint Education
"… Statements by two former Ashford University employees are completely contrary to the school's policies, standards and practices, particularly with respect to veterans, military students and their families …"
Education Management Corporation
"… This letter is to express concern with your continued pursuit of a skewed story line that, despite our best efforts to afford balance, is anticipated to present an inaccurate reflection of The Art Institutes …"
Gibbs College
"… Gibbs College in Boston is unable to discuss specific records of alumnus Mike DiGiacomo because he has not waived his federal privacy rights …. Unfortunately, this means that it appears [his] claims will go largely unchecked in this segment. …"
Westwood College
"… It is not of the interest of the College or PBS to air a segment that presents a misleading or erroneous portrayal of the facts. …"


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