digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Waging War The changing nature of warfare in the 21st century.


Rough Cut

Full Immersion

The military's use of virtual Iraqi civilians and pyrotechnics for troops in training.
Here's a look at what it was like filming at the Marines' Infantry Immersion trainer facil...
Shooting at Pendleton
Our correspondent muses on the interactions between the instructors and the Marines at the...
Leaving Camp Pendleton
What does it mean to train digitally? P.W. Singer is the author of Wired for War a...
Virtual Training

Interview Highlights

Soldier 2.0

What happens when Digital Natives join up.


Interview Highlights

Stress Inoculation

There's a growing interest in using simulations to help prepare soldiers for the high stress of combat. Albert "Skip" Rizzo, PhD., is a research scientist exploring virtual reality for mental health treatment.

Producers' Diary

Shooting at Pendleton

Here's a look at what it was like filming at the Marines' Infantry Immersion trainer facility.

Producers' Diary

Leaving Camp Pendleton

Our correspondent muses on the interactions between the instructors and the Marines at the Infantry Immersion Trainer.

Interview Highlights

Virtual Training

What does it mean to train digitally? P.W. Singer is the author of Wired for War and an expert in military technology.


posted February 2, 2010