digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Digital Workshops Online Resources for Parents and Educators

Digital Parenting: Protecting and Empowering Kids

Let's face it: Parenting the digital generation can be tough. Watch The Password Battle and explore resources for parents on how to balance concerns about safety with a teen’s healthy need for independence.

21st Century Schools: Learning in the Digital Age

Teachers are tapping into technology and digital media for learning. Watch How Google Saved a School and discuss the hype and the hopes for improving education through technology.

The Digital You: Attention, Multitasking and Addiction

It's becoming harder to imagine our lives without digital technology. But do we use it too much? Watch Multitasking at M.I.T. and learn how to keep a balanced relationship with the technology in your life.

Learning in Virtual Worlds

Video games and virtual realities have allowed us access to entirely new virtual worlds. Watch What Games Teach and explore the remarkable power of alternate realities to do much more than just entertain.

Learn how to be a better parent, teacher or caregiver to the “digital natives” in your life and gain the knowledge and skills for understanding, analyzing and participating in our technology-infused world.

WATCH the featured videos from Digital Nation.
PARTICIPATE in online quizzes and polls to reflect on your digital life.
RATE your agreement or disagreement with controversial issues in “Where Do You Stand?”
READ more about “digital natives” from our parenting and educational experts.
COMMENT on the ideas explored in this program.


Simone Nathan-Bloom and Professor Renee Hobbs conceptualized the design of this curriculum. Renee Hobbs developed the program materials with support from her team at the Media Education Lab at Temple University's School of Communications and Theater in Philadelphia, Pa. Writers included Kelly Mendoza, Jiwon Yoon, Henry Cohn-Geltner and Renee Hobbs.

posted February 2, 2010

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