digital nation - life on the virtual frontier


The greatest danger of the social web is not predators but what kids do to themselves and each other, says Anne Collier, a web safety expert and the editor of Net Family News.

1 Comment
Some surprising -- and heartening -- statistics on the risk of online predators from Anne ...
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  • 20% of teens have engaged in cyberbullying behaviors, including posting mean or hurtful information or embarrassing pictures, spreading rumors, publicizing private communications, sending anonymous e-mails or cyberpranking someone. - McAfee/Harris Interactive, October 2008
  • 13% of online teens say they've had a rumor spread about them online. - Pew Research Center, November 2006
  • 29% of online teens think they're more likely to be bullied or harassed online than offline. - Pew Research Center, November 2006

posted February 2, 2010