digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Relationships How technology is changing friendship, parenting and love.


Rough Cut

One Boy's Online Tragedy

When a seemingly normal, happy teen committed suicide, his father turned to his son's online friends to find out why.
The greatest danger of the social web is not predators but what kids do to themselves and ...
America's obsession with online predators has been overblown, according to danah boyd, a r...
Predator Panic
Online safety expert Parry Aftab and her WiredSafety Teen Angels have the moves to drive h...
Stop, Block and Tell

Interview Highlights

The Best Defense is Common Sense

Teaching values is key to keeping kids safe online.

Interview Highlights

Kids Are Smarter Than We Think

Some surprising -- and heartening -- statistics on the risk of online predators.

Rough Cut

Stop, Block and Tell

Online safety expert Parry Aftab and her WiredSafety Teen Angels have the moves to drive home their anti-cyberbullying message.

Interview Highlights

Predator Panic

America's obsession with online predators has been overblown.

Interview Highlights


The greatest danger of the social web is not predators but what kids do to themselves and each other.


posted February 2, 2010