digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Living Faster Daily life in the age of nonstop connection.


Interview Highlights

Getting Ready for Robots

Our time spent interacting with A.I.'s in virtual worlds may be preparing us to one day embrace robots into key roles in our lives. Sherry Turkle is a clinical psychologist and the director of the M.I.T. Initiative on Technology and Self.
Dr. Gary Small studied what your brain looks like while you read a book versus conducting ...
Your Brain on Google
A 16-year German study found that our range of hearing has decreased from one generation t...
Losing Our Senses--Literally
Our correspondent Douglas Rushkoff travels to South Korea to take the measure of its digit...
The Most Wired Place on Earth

Rough Cut

Your Brain on Google

Dr. Gary Small studied what your brain looks like while you read a book versus conducting a Google search online. The results are strikingly different -- here's what he found.

Interview Highlights

Brave New World

The stuff of sci-fi has arrived, says Jeremy Bailenson, the director of Stanford's Virtual Human Interaction Lab.

Interview Highlights

Old School Internet

For danah boyd, a researcher and essayist on teen media culture, the early days of the Internet seemed full of promise.

Interview Highlights

Human 2.0

What will the next phase of human evolution look like?


Rough Cut

The Most Wired Place on Earth

Our correspondent Douglas Rushkoff travels to South Korea to take the measure of its digital revolution, and understand its impact on ordinary people.

Interview Highlights

Life, Sped Up

Our Correspondent Douglas Rushkoff muses that what happens online quickly develops a life of its own.

Interview Highlights

Watching Evolution at Work

Second Life founder Philip Rosedale looks to virtual reality for the next step in human evolution.

Interview Highlights

Losing Our Senses--Literally

A 16-year German study found that our range of hearing has decreased from one generation to the next. What other senses might be affected?


posted February 2, 2010