digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Living Faster Daily life in the age of nonstop connection.


Interview Highlights

Remembrance Of Attention Spans Past

What were the halcyon, distraction-free days when we all could concentrate? Virginia Heffernan wonders about the focus many of us so acutely feel we've lost.
At M.I.T, one of the world's most competitive universities, we found a stark contrast betw...
Multitasking at M.I.T.
Our constant multitasking furthers a culture of instant gratification. Todd Oppenheimer i...
Multitasking Mentality
Abigail Pogrebin, a journalist and mother of two, describes how the Kindle has made readin...
Kindling under the Covers

Rough Cut

Multitasking at M.I.T.

At M.I.T, one of the world's most competitive universities, we found a stark contrast between students' and teachers' views on laptops in the classroom. Are they a massive distraction, or a valuable tool for a generation of multitaskers?

Interview Highlights

Future Shock

Parallels to our information overload problems in past times. Henry Jenkins is a leading scholar in comparative media studies who currently teaches at USC.

Interview Highlights

Multitasking Mentality

Our constant multitasking furthers a culture of instant gratification. Todd Oppenheimer is a journalist and the author of The Flickering Mind.

Interview Highlights

Kindling under the Covers

Abigail Pogrebin, a journalist and mother of two, describes how the Kindle has made reading before bed a bit less relaxing.

Interview Highlights

Inbox: 500 New Messages

Our Correspondent Douglas Rushkoff is overwhelmed by e-mail and struggles to keep up.

Interview Highlights

How Do Teens Do Homework Today?

It takes a lot of multitasking, but Michaela admits that sometimes it's nice to focus on just one thing.


Interview Highlights

The Skill of the Future

In a word: multitasking.
Henry Jenkins is the Provost's Professor of Communication, Journalism and Cinematic Arts at USC.


posted February 2, 2010