digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Learning How to educate children for the digital age.


Interview Highlights

Shop Class Computing

A game plan for teaching real world computing skills that students can really use in their future jobs. Todd Oppenheimer is a journalist and the author of The Flickering Mind.
Schools should be wary of embracing too much technology, cautions Todd Oppenheimer. Oppen...
School for Thought
Cell phones offer a new way to expand learning beyond the regular school day, says Secreta...
School: There's an App For That?
Two years ago, this middle school was at risk of being shut down by the city. Today it's a...
How Google Saved A School

Interview Highlights

The New Digital Divide

America's Secretary of Education says the problem isn't just getting access to technology -- it's how it's used.

Rough Cut


At an age when American children are just starting to learn arithmetic and writing, Korean schoolchildren are already mastering "netiquette."

Rough Cut

How Google Saved A School

Two years ago, this middle school was at risk of being shut down by the city. Today it's a success story. What happened?

Interview Highlights

The Class of the Future

It may not be a classroom at all -- and students may be learning a totally different set of skills.

Interview Highlights

The Tech Fix

How technology can help solve some of the problems in our educational system.

Interview Highlights

A New Generation of Teachers

With a million teachers retiring in the next five years, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan sees a big opportunity for change.

Interview Highlights

Room for Improvement

Technology is one of several areas in education where we've been surpassed by other countries. Duncan explains how to get the education system back on track.

Interview Highlights

How Video Games Can Help

Can they teach problem-solving skills better than textbooks?

Interview Highlights

School: There's an App For That?

How cell phones can expand learning beyond the school day.

Interview Highlights

School for Thought

Schools should be wary of embracing too much technology, cautions Todd Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer is a journalist and the author of The Flickering Mind.

Interview Highlights

Pressing Pause

As we hurtle along with technology, it's important that someone reminds us what's being left behind.

Interview Highlights

Education 2.0

Schools need to catch up with all the information kids are receiving from everywhere else.


posted February 2, 2010